Monday, 19 September 2016

Another one hits

Over the weekend the trusty geophone sensor was moved to a new location.   Fortunately another small earthquake came along a few hours later just to reassure us that things were still working.

M2.9 earthquake about 50km from Oklahoma city
 This one was too small to be felt and quite a bit further away.   However a quick check with the Oklahoma Geological Survey seismic station in Oklahoma City, BCOK, shows a clear signal
Professional seismic station (lower figure) indicates where to look to find the seismic wiggle on our geophone (upper figure) 
Having a couple of seismic traces to compare side by side gives us the confidence to be sure that this small wiggle is due to the latest quake (scientists are not keen on the coincidence explanation)
Zooming in to the wiggle and filtering some of the noise away confirms that the geophone is still working in its new location (our geophone above, OGS professional sensor below) 

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was Ben bouncing his softball on the window sill ...but this detailed analysis seems to show, beyond all reasonable doubt, this was another one
